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Kissed by a Carrington Page 5
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Up to my elbows in missing you like crazy. “Staying busy. Office hours at my private practice, Houston Sports Medicine Center, make my days crazy, especially with so many new patients. I’m not complaining, though, ’cause I’m blessed. I could use a nice long break, but my schedule is packed right now. Just calling to say hello or did you have something specific in mind?” She hoped for the latter.
Sucking in a deep breath, Houston slowly released it. “I’d like you to join us at Austin’s tonight for our family dinner. Are you free by chance?”
Kelly suddenly felt the insanity of this crazy liaison with Houston. The boy was here today, but would he be gone tomorrow? Did she dare dance with a man who had no proclivity for commitment? She didn’t want to start wondering if she’d see him again. Nothing romantic had occurred between them, yet she had no stomach for the bitter taste of disappointment she might be signing on for, wittingly so. She wouldn’t be able to yell she’d been blindsided, not when he had exposed so much of who he was and how he felt about commitment.
Although Kelly wanted to accept Houston’s invitation to the Carrington family dinner she was hesitant. But what would it prove to deprive herself of time in his company? Not a thing. She had already decided to accept Houston just for who he was. He’d been honest and right up-front about how he chose to live his life. No sane person argued with candor.
“Are you still there, Kelly?”
She sighed. “I’m still thinking about the invite.”
Kelly wanted to make the right decision. There was no doubt in her mind about her desire to be with Houston. Besides, she didn’t want to thwart the chance of them becoming at least friends. Despite the minor run-in, they had enjoyed each other’s company.
Houston chuckled. “Have you come up with anything yet?”
“As a matter of fact, I haven’t. Do you have any suggestions, Mr. C.?”
Intrigued by Kelly’s taunting remark and follow-up question, Houston propped his feet on a nearby chair. “Well, let me see if I can help you out. What about the fact we could have a great time together? Our conversations will definitely be intellectual bombs and there are endless things to laugh like crazy about. Those are very good reasons for you to accept. Also, my family would love to meet you.”
Kelly gasped inwardly. “Oh, you play so dirty. You just couldn’t resist tossing in a bit of irresistible bait.” She already knew she’d enjoy his family from the things Houston had said about them. She’d even mentioned how nice it’d be to spend time with the Carrington crew.
Being estranged from her own family was hard on Kelly. The unresolved issues standing between her and her parents were difficult to bring to a close.
“What time should I get out to Austin and Ashleigh’s ranch?” Kelly asked.
“Seven is the magic dinner hour for us. I’d love to pick you up. It won’t be a problem.”
“Thanks but no thanks, Houston. If I drive myself, I won’t have to wonder if I’ll ever see you again.” Without further comment, she rang off.
Sorry she’d disconnected rather rudely, Kelly stared at the phone, trying to decide if she should call back and apologize. Instead, she sat back in the recliner in her bedroom and reflected.
Kelly hadn’t personally met Houston when the sports medicine position had first become available, but he was one of her favorite basketball players. She had closely followed his career and had developed an infatuation with him via the television and the home games she attended.
Houston Carrington intrigued Kelly both on and off the court. She was now more intrigued than ever before. His superstardom wasn’t at the heart of her desire to get to know him. It was the sexy flesh-and-blood man who turned her on and flipped her heart inside out. She wasn’t sure she knew how to deal with it.
Feeling the prickly heat from Kelly’s last remark, Houston clipped the phone back onto his leather belt. By the tone of her voice, he couldn’t help wondering if she already felt a bit of disillusionment with him.
Up to this point, Kelly hadn’t said if she was in a romantic relationship, which made him unsure of where she stood. He couldn’t blame her if she was a little concerned with how things might go between them. He himself was on edge over it. Thinking of how he and Kelly had come into being was outrageously intriguing. No other woman had paid for a date with him. Of course, he knew the donated money was for Haven House, but indulging in silly flattery every now and then never hurt anything.
Houston got up from the chair and went back inside the house. The moment he entered the kitchen, all eyes instantly turned on him. “Ash, you can count on one more mouth to feed for the family shindig. I invited Kelly…and she accepted.”
“Way to go, bro,” Austin and Dallas shouted simultaneously.
Dropping back down in his original seat, Houston looked embarrassed. “Give it a rest, guys. You have no clue how hard it was to make that call. I can’t seem to figure out what I want with and from Kelly. I’m confused about her. Pray for me,” Houston joked. “Unlike you two muscular, hardheaded jocks, I know I need Jesus.”
Everyone laughed.
“Boy, you need the holy Trinity,” Dallas shot back like a crack of thunder.
Laughter erupted again.
Even Houston had to laugh at Dallas’s comment. “I can’t top that one so I won’t try.” He looked down at his watch. “I need to get going here shortly. This day has sprouted wings.”
Austin eyed his brother closely. “I guess you have to go get all primped up for your big date with Kelly,” he teased. “Word of advice, you could sure use a haircut.”
Houston tore Austin to shreds with a glaring look. “Save it, man. Not trying to hear it.”
The Carrington triplets were used to good-natured ribbing with each other. No one ever took it seriously. It was simply a part of their extremely close brotherhood.
Dallas leaped to his feet. “I could use a haircut, too, but I need to make sure I have a date for tonight. Ash, I’m run on over to Haven House for a minute to check on my favorite girl. Want to come along? The girls would love to see you. They miss you like crazy.”
“I miss them, too.” Ashleigh looked to Austin. “Mind if I go along with Dallas?”
Austin shrugged. “Not at all. I’ll drive you so he won’t have to come back out here until this evening. I’d like to see the teenagers, too.”
“Let’s all ride together,” Dallas said. “You two can drop me off at my place after the visit and drive the SUV back here. I’ll use my other car this evening.”
Knowing they did this sort of thing all the time, Austin nodded. “Works for me.”
Houston scratched his head. “Maybe I’ll drop by Haven House with you guys. I haven’t been over there in a while. I’ll just meet you there ’cause I know Dallas drives too slow to keep up with my fast-moving wheels.”
“Don’t go there,” Dallas warned. “There’s nothing you can do I can’t do better.”
Austin saw the two egos about to clash. “Can it, fellas! Let’s just go. Driving fast isn’t something either of you should brag about. Too many people die in major car accidents for you two boneheads to get out there and drag race like a couple of teenagers. Besides, it’s a breach of both your contracts. Your limbs are insured for way more than either of you are worth.”
Austin’s ranch was less than twenty miles outside downtown Houston. The area was beautiful, appearing to spread out far enough to meet up with eternity. Summer hadn’t been ushered in yet, but it was already hot. Houston drove along the road feeling at peace with his surroundings. The top was down on his shiny, metallic black Porsche Boxster, but the heat was unbearably muggy, causing him to turn up the air conditioner’s fan.
The breakfast conversation had Houston wishing his brothers would stop bringing up Kelly’s name. Austin or Dallas always had something flattering to say about her. He knew Kelly was a beautiful, smart woman—and he didn’t like hearing that some other man might snatch her up. It could happen, but he didn’t al
low himself to dwell on it. Only he or Kelly would know if anything romantic or long-lasting would happen for them. Everyone else should butt out.
If he had no desire to change the way he lived his life, why did his family?
Houston saw that Dallas couldn’t stop smiling at the stunning five-foot-eight siren Lanier Watson. By the soft, loving expression on her pretty mahogany face, he knew she was no less enamored with him. Dallas never could get enough of being with her. When Lanier had the occasion to act a lot like “the renegade brother,” what Dallas referred to Houston as, Dallas did his best to remain patient with her. Lanier feared long-term entanglements with good reason.
“Welcome to Haven House, best friend,” Lanier greeted cheerfully, hugging and kissing Ashleigh, openly displaying deep affection. “Girl, I can’t tell you how much I miss you not being here full-time. Hey, Mr. A.! How’s it going with the proud poppa-to-be?”
Austin brought Lanier into his warm embrace. “This poppa is proud and he’s just great. Every day with Ashleigh is like reliving Christmas morning as a small child. You see how our girl’s stomach has grown. Is she beautiful or what?”
Tears popped into Lanier’s eyes. “As beautiful as ever.”
Houston looked between Dallas and Lanier, wondering if they’d ever end up like Ashleigh and Austin, who were only one of the happiest couples on the planet. Lanier’s eyes easily conveyed her love for Dallas.
Houston suddenly appeared in Lanier’s line of vision. “What’s up, Hou? I’m really happy to see you. Yours is definitely a rare visit.”
Houston walked up to Lanier and hugged her. “Hadn’t seen you and the girls in a while so I thought I’d tag along with the family. I promise to do better with visits. How are you?”
Lanier took in her surroundings, her eyes beaming with sweet sentiment. “I couldn’t be better. I’m still as happy as a lark. The residents of Haven House and Dallas have truly allowed me to experience a more exciting and joyous existence.”
Houston easily interpreted the expression of love and desire he saw in Dallas’s eyes. It was obvious his brother thought the world of Lanier.
Before anyone could say another word, four teenage girls came bounding into the living room. The girls went ape as soon as they spotted Ashleigh and the guys. Animated greetings and heartfelt hugs were exchanged. Then the teenagers left the room the same way they’d entered.
Ashleigh was moved to tears by the genuine expression of love she’d just received. “Kathy, Tina, Willow and Gina look good, Lanier. You’re doing a great job. They seem so happy. But where are Stephanie and Lauren?”
“The sisters are with their aunt for the weekend. The girls are happy, Ash, but they also have you to thank. The young ladies were an absolute emotional mess when we first got them. Your love and patience brought them through. You know how many times I felt like kicking their young butts to the curb. I don’t easily deal with smart mouths and bad attitudes. Man, did those girls have nasty vocabularies and short tempers when they first arrived. Things are much better now. We’ve become one big happy family,” Lanier enthused.
Ashleigh smiled. “I can’t take all the credit for how these kids have grown. The numerous times you sat up all night with one or the other, calming their fears, drying the endless tears, made them feel wanted for the first time in their lives. We’ve accomplished it all together, Lanier. No one person is responsible for the success of Haven House. Ours is a joint triumph.”
“Okay, girls, ease up on the sentiments,” Houston said. “You’ve got me and my bros frowning up to keep from weeping. That wouldn’t be a pretty sight. You ladies have done a miraculous job with the kids,” Houston said sincerely. “We’re proud of you both.”
Lanier cast Houston a sweet smile. “Thanks. You always know just the right thing to say. So what’s up with everyone? Any special reason for the surprise visit?”
Dallas looked hopeful. “Carrington family dinner is tonight. I need a date. Can you hook this brother up?”
Lanier crooked her finger at Dallas, her eyes flirting wildly with him. “Let’s discuss this in private. Excuse us for a minute. We’ll be right back.”
Houston laughed at the look on Dallas’s face. His brothers were whipped and neither of them cared who knew it. His father had also lost his mind over a woman. No man loved his wife more than Beaumont loved Angelica.
Houston was starting to get it, but he knew he had a ways to go before personally meeting up with a storybook ending. Some people did live fairy-tale romances. He had seen the magic with his own two eyes, growing up around it for twenty-eight years. After thirty-two years of marriage, his mother and father were still crazy in love. As Kelly’s image came into his mind, he closed his eyes and let himself indulge in a bit of romantic thinking.
Chapter 4
Houston stood in the driveway of Austin’s home to wait for Kelly. She had already called from the front gates, which Austin had opened via the telephone. The cameras installed above the massive black wrought-iron gates, designed with a huge C in the center, allowed the residents to view approaching visitors. The electronic security equipment at the ranch was extensive. Unlike Houston’s posh housing community, Austin didn’t have private gate guards.
As Kelly got out of the car, Houston walked over to greet her. She looked beautiful dressed in a casual, lightweight khaki-colored pantsuit and an indigo silk shell. Brown low-heel sandals and shoulder-strap purse completed the look.
Houston gently kissed Kelly on the cheek. “Glad you made it. Any problems with the directions I gave you?”
“None, but my GPS tracking system comes in handy. How are you?” She liked how relaxed he looked clad in perfectly pressed blue denim jeans and a crisp white shirt, open at the collar. He wore no socks and his casual navy leather shoes were fashionable.
Houston slid his hand under Kelly’s elbow. “All the family has arrived. Ready to officially meet the rest of the Carrington crew?”
Kelly nodded. “I’d like that. If they’re anything like the great things you and Austin have said about them, I’m sure I’ll be comfortable.”
Houston put his arm around her shoulder. “You will be. No doubt in my mind.”
He knew his family would treat Kelly respectfully and make her feel welcome simply because they were kind, loving and generous people, yet he really had nothing to compare this experience to. His brothers had made a big deal out of the invitation he’d extended to Kelly because he hadn’t ever brought any woman to family functions.
When it came to physical needs, his got met, but long-term relations never developed. It was a mutual agreement.
Walking alongside Houston, Kelly suddenly felt nervous about meeting the family, yet she expected to be shown kindness. According to Houston, he belonged to the most wonderful family in the world. She found herself groping for his hand just before they entered the house. She let go seconds after receiving comfort.
Houston had a huge grin on his face. “Carringtons, I’d like you to meet Kelly Charleston.” He then introduced her to each of his family members by name.
Kelly smiled beautifully. “It’s nice to meet all of you. It may take me a minute to remember each name, but I’ll eventually get it right.”
“We’re sure of that,” Ashleigh said. “Come on in and have a seat, Kelly. We recall seeing you at the auction, though Austin was the only one you met.”
Austin extended his hand to Kelly. “Good to see you again. Welcome to our home. Ashleigh and I are honored.”
Kelly wasn’t sure about the nature of Ashleigh’s remark, but it hadn’t sounded mean-spirited. She was Austin’s wife—and she’d probably been a bit curious about her famous husband privately meeting the woman with the winning lunch bid. “I remember seeing everyone that evening. I’m glad we’re meeting officially. Houston talks a lot about you and has put you on very high pedestals,” Kelly joked.
“Probably way too high for us not to break something on the way down,” Angelica said softly, smi
ling warmly. “Houston tends to exaggerate about how wonderful his parents and brothers are, but never over the deep love he feels for his family.”
A closer look at Angelica let Kelly see how elegant this woman was. Petite in stature and weight, she looked as if she took really good care of herself. Although she only wore casual designer attire Kelly saw that she had exquisite taste.
“Would you like something to drink, Kelly?” Beaumont’s brown eyes twinkled with merriment. The kindness of his soul had a way of shining through his entire being. An impressive-looking man, Mr. Carrington was as handsome as his three six-foot-plus sons. He stood every bit as tall.
Kelly nodded. “A diet cola would be nice. Thank you.”
“One diet cola coming right up,” Beaumont responded in kind.
“You can sit here if you’d like, Kelly.” Patting the seat cushion, Lanier moved over to make space for Kelly to sit next to her. Dallas was on the other side of Lanier.
Without hesitation, Kelly took the offered seat, thanking Lanier as she sat down. The kind gestures were endearing and felt personal. She felt warmly welcomed by the entire group. Dallas hadn’t said anything to her directly, but his kind, friendly smiles appeared to show approval.
Beaumont stepped back into the large family room, immediately drawing the attention of everyone present. “Okay, Carrington crew and guests, the food is ready. The patios tables are set. You folks can head on outdoors. Kelly, your cola is inside the cooler by the outdoor bar. I didn’t bring it in to you since we’re heading outside.”
“That’s fine. Thank you, sir.” Kelly got up from the sofa.
Houston nudged Kelly with his shoulder. “I’m hungry. What about you?”
She enjoyed his playful gesture. “I could use a bite or two. I hear your dad cooked dinner. That’s so unusual. I can’t imagine my father or mother lifting a single finger to do anything domestic. Maybe that’s ’cause they didn’t have to. We had servants, of course,” she announced, heavy on the sarcasm.
Houston unwittingly squeezed her hand. Then he wished he hadn’t. “My father does the majority of the cooking. He loves to grill. Most meats and a variety of vegetables are grilled at their house. The man is insane over barbecuing.”